Mothers day

As Mothers Day draws nearer well tomorrow is Mothering Sunday, I look at photos of my daughters and think how proud of them I am. When I was pregnant with my eldest daughter I could not even begin to think of the amount of overwhelming love and the amount of emotions I would have when I first met her. I spent my whole pregnancy not realizing the effect of being in charge of a small person. Being in charge of another human being let alone a small baby.

Fast forward ten years and now I have three daughter 5,9 and 10 years old, and every day I can honestly say how proud I am to call myself their mum. I can look at them and say to myself “We created them, we are their mum and dad”. Because no matter how hard a time I am going through I no if I could move the world for them then I would. No matter how much they squabble or are horrid to each other or me, my undying love for them will never end.

And then I think to my own mother… I think about all the pain and suffering growing up I put her through and how she has never stopped loving me. I learnt so much rom my mother and I will never be able to thank her enough for the love and understanding and support she has given to myself and my big sister.

My mother is an amazing woman, loved by all our family, by all her friends. Without her I wouldn’t be the person I am today. It doesn’t matter that she is not my biological mother she my adopted mother. But as far as I am concerned she is and will always be my Mum, the person I can turn to for advice about anything. The person who is still looking after me aged 29, she has my back and is helping me through this difficult time I am going through right now. In fact both my parents are, their there for both myself and my husband and their grand-daughters.

So as tomorrow draws nearer I am thankful for being a mother and a daughter. I am super thankful for my mother and how amazing she is.

So to all the mothers out there in this massive world it doesn’t matter what type of mother you are or if there is more then one mother involved. Your all super precious and are doing a bloody good job.