Mothers day

As Mothers Day draws nearer well tomorrow is Mothering Sunday, I look at photos of my daughters and think how proud of them I am. When I was pregnant with my eldest daughter I could not even begin to think of the amount of overwhelming love and the amount of emotions I would have when I first met her. I spent my whole pregnancy not realizing the effect of being in charge of a small person. Being in charge of another human being let alone a small baby.

Fast forward ten years and now I have three daughter 5,9 and 10 years old, and every day I can honestly say how proud I am to call myself their mum. I can look at them and say to myself “We created them, we are their mum and dad”. Because no matter how hard a time I am going through I no if I could move the world for them then I would. No matter how much they squabble or are horrid to each other or me, my undying love for them will never end.

And then I think to my own mother… I think about all the pain and suffering growing up I put her through and how she has never stopped loving me. I learnt so much rom my mother and I will never be able to thank her enough for the love and understanding and support she has given to myself and my big sister.

My mother is an amazing woman, loved by all our family, by all her friends. Without her I wouldn’t be the person I am today. It doesn’t matter that she is not my biological mother she my adopted mother. But as far as I am concerned she is and will always be my Mum, the person I can turn to for advice about anything. The person who is still looking after me aged 29, she has my back and is helping me through this difficult time I am going through right now. In fact both my parents are, their there for both myself and my husband and their grand-daughters.

So as tomorrow draws nearer I am thankful for being a mother and a daughter. I am super thankful for my mother and how amazing she is.

So to all the mothers out there in this massive world it doesn’t matter what type of mother you are or if there is more then one mother involved. Your all super precious and are doing a bloody good job.


Here we go yet again

Here’s to another day of staring out the window and trying to will the windows of this physc unit to disappear so I can leap out and escape from here, But its not actually from here I want to escape its from my head and from thee voices and the darkness that is succumbing me. It is a toxic mix of voices and my own thoughts.

I was given some news last night that I thought would be the start of the end for this darkness, and this morning it has all been retracted and I’m back to where I was yesterday.

(quick update)

August 2017 I tried to commit suicide by inhalation from car fumes. rigged the whole thing (car) up and somehow survived. Since that day I have been in the local physc ward which is only a 20/25 minute drive from where I actually live. Thus meaning easy(ish) access for family to visit.

Basically the plan is for me to go to a residential unit for 18 months to do an intensive DBT therapy course. basically I will do two cycles of the whole course and then gradually released back into the community. The thing is that I want to go to a specific unit which has agreed to work with my BPD and my Anorexia and weight loss issues. This unit I want to go to is a 10 bed female unit and is specifically for BPD patients.  Where as this other unit the commissioning board want to send me to will only work with the BPD side but is a 26 bed physc ward and not specifically to cater for BPD. The Unit the commissioning board prefer is a bigger version of this general physc ward that I am on now and I no for a fact I will not get better there and that it is 100% NOT the right fit and unit for me.

Back to the present…

When you apply to residential units you have to be assessed by each unit and when you send it all through to the commissioning board to choose you have to have a minimum of 2 units. They met two weeks ago tomorrow and have agreed the funding but not the unit.

The thing is in the last 6/7 months of being here on this unit, they haven’t done any kind of therapy or work with me because we were hoping this whole process wouldn’t take this long to happen.

I’m so determined to do this but I’m loosing the will to keep fighting all of this and yet there are so so many what if’s???


How can I stand here..

How have I just been able to stand in front of the physciatric window wanting to drink a massive loads of anti-freeze… like literally how? Ive gone from being “fine” (from what the staff can see) from being able to hold a conversation with everyone and anyone to isolating myself to my “room” and struggling to hold everything together.

I even imagined that when I had a shower the other day the water was actually my blood pouring from my veins through to the shower and back over me.

Also battling my eating disorders everyday and the fact that I’m petrified of anything that I put into my body food wise.

The voices in my head are destroying me and driving me insane… and trying to fight voices 24 hours a day and 7 days a week 365 days a year. fighting them even when I’m asleep… I’m physically and mentally exhausted.

One voice is my biological mothers who just abuses me verbally with all the insults under the sun and tells me how weak and pathetic I am and that I should go and harm myself and rid the world of me.

The other main voice is that of “Anna” shortened from Anorexia and she tells me what not to eat and that I’m fat and that anything I do actually put into my body is all poison and that I’m actually killing myself in what I eat.

BUT even with all this going on I am more determined then ever to fight this battle

How do i answer….

Was talking about how I want to know more about my biological perents. More about what everyone did and are doing with their lives.  I don’t know exactly what I want to know I just wanted to find out my adoption records.

Do I want to meet my biological parents,well my mum not my dad as no one seems to know where he is. But this question of meeting her is something that has always been in my head for as long as I remember. Some days I’m like i’d like to meet her and see what she’s doing now and what she’s done with her life. And other days I think and remember what she was like and how her voice is in my head and one of reason I landed in physc ward.

But I don’t want to be doing anything without finding out information about the whole adoption. I think it’s all started to eat more inside of me because when I was seeing the ward physcologist we discussed this subject. Also about whether I would go any further then just getting information about everything, would I take it a step further or would I want to stop. I just said that it was one of those subjects that I would stop when I knew I wouldn’t be able to cope with anything else happening.

Sometimes I have dreamt about meeting her face to face and just letting go of all my emotions that are locked up in myself in my head, mind and soul. Just letting go and telling her everything and making her answers the so many questions that I have in me and want answers to. Answers that cannot be answered by getting information or answered by anyone else, only she or he can answer them. See I don’t know what I want to come from trying get access to any information but i can only but see where this road is going to take me. And I know that I and I alone can deal with this myself. Find this all and let go of the demons.

Demons are what are driving me crazy when I think about past. Also mood fluctuations throughout the day make thinking about it all even harder. Another reason when bipolar sucks!!